Julien Cornebise, Ph.D.

Honorary Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
University College London




London, UK

I am a passionate, impact-driven scientist in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, with 20 years in the field, ranging from theorems to hands-on applications and strategy, with an executive streak developed over the years.

I am curently:

  • Honorary Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at University College London.
  • An advisor to several startups in the technology sector, and to several nonprofits, including Amnesty International.
  • Occasionally consulting with various companies for 15 years, on a wide variety of AI / machine learning / statistics questions and applications, ranging from vaccine development for pharmaceutical companies to satellite imagery for the European Space Agency.
  • Occasionally helping venture funds on due diligence, both on machine learning and on strategy.


  • I was co-founder and acting Chief Scientific Officer at the startup ShiftLab Ltd (2021-2023), a product lab which we grew to 31 persons.
  • I was Director of Research, Head of Element AI’s London Office, with a focus on AI for Good, for two years (2018-2019).
  • I was one of the first researchers at DeepMind Technologies Limited (later acquired by Google) from 2012 to 2016. While there:
    • I led fundamental research directions used in early demos and significant fundraising,
    • and helped create and lead its Health Applied Research Team.
  • I lived in France, North Carolina (USA), and British Colombia (Canada), and finally now UK, for postdocs at SAMSI/Duke University, UBC Vancouver, and University College London.
  • I love sharing the passion through mentoring, and teaching from undergraduate to professional continuing education, although sadly not teaching at the moment.
  • I hold
    • an MSc in Computer Engineering,
    • an MSc in Mathematical Statistics,
    • a PhD in Mathematics, specialised in Computational Statistics, from University Paris VI Pierre and Marie Curie and Telecom ParisTech,
    • for which I received the 2010 Savage Award from the International Society for Bayesian Analysis.

Detailed but outdated CV (in PDF)